White would have to be my favourite base colour for decorating - actually it's also my favourite for clothing. Especially white linen.
Now whites just aren't any old 'whites', there are yellow base, red base, brown base whites etc etc. Take a look at the large colour samples of the Dulux whites you can pick up at any Hardware store or Dulux colour shop these days.

{Courtesy digsdigs.com}
Next time you are at the hardware store, pick up a few, take them home and look at them side by side. See if you can tell what base colour they are. This will help you in determining which white best suits where you want it to go and if it fits in with a current colour scheme.
I used white as the main colour throughout the holiday house, initially because I wasn't sure what colour would suit. It's taken me 4 years to see and realise that the white used is a blue base white, and I don't like it (for those Queenslanders, does the phrase ring any bells). In my defence, I'm only at the house every couple of weeks, sometimes it's a month before I make it there.
And....no!...the picture above is not of my house...I wish.
My current loves are the palettes from Bauwerk and Resene. So I'm on the hunt now for a better white...and possibly even a dark colour for the 5 mtr ceilings in the living area...it could take it.
White Accessories
Check out this online store Whiteport for white on white - bed linen, gifts, bathroom accessories etc. Really nice. I came across it while I was looking for something like the butlers table below.