It's all starting to become all to real. My grandson arrives in October, only 3 months away!!
The baby shower invitations have been sent out, but unfortunately I can't make it. It's happening in Parkes NSW where Mum-to-be comes from. Her family is in Sydney this weekend, so it looks like we are going to catch up then.
The little bit of time I've had available recently has been taken up with some sewing for the baby and some mending for my eldest son's girlfriend. (I really do need to do something for myself one of these days).
I bought this pattern in Toowoomba when I was at the Chocolate Cottage (Highfields, Toowoomba QLD). See here for the post about where I got it from, The Quilter's Angel.
Here's the latest, but I'm afraid the names Lilly and Lilac don't really suit (names given to them by the pattern maker). I like Billy to replace Lilly, having a bit of trouble with a matching name for the little one. I'm favouring boys names.
Any ideas??? Leave a comment and let me know if you have any suggestions.
Cute!! They will love it!